Risk identification & evaluation
In every company, circumstances occur that affect the safety, health and well-being of its (hired) employees and visitors. To achieve optimal working conditions, it is essential to understand the health and safety risks in your premises and in your employees' workplaces. Taking stock of those risks is the basis for creating a safe, healthy and pleasant working environment. With a Risk Inventory & Evaluation (RI&E), you can identify the risks in your organisation in a structured way and determine whether the control measures taken are sufficient or need to be improved or expanded. By carrying out an RI&E properly, you can minimise work-related health complaints and accidents.
What is a Risk Inventory & Evaluation?
A Risk Inventory & Evaluation (RI&E) by Octant is a comprehensive overview of all existing safety, health and welfare risks in all workplaces of the organisation. It is thorough, complete, sometimes confrontational and always accompanied by recommendations for taking the right measures to permanently improve the working conditions at your workplaces and thus manage the risks (even better).
Review of an RI&E?
Once an RI&E has been drawn up, it may be that, depending on the size of the company and the type of RI&E instrument used, your RI&E is subject to review. This means that a certified core expert will check whether all risks have been inventoried, whether the situation in the company is properly represented and whether the latest standards and guidelines have been used. If it appears that your RI&E requires assessment, our SKO-certified core expert will assess the RI&E carried out and the Plan of Action. You will receive a formal assessment certificate. This gives the RI&E an official legal status.
Is an RI&E mandatory?
The Risk Inventory & Evaluation (RI&E) has been mandatory for all employers (with the exception of self-employed workers) since 1 January 1994. The action plan is a compulsory part of the RI&E.